Tuesday, August 6, 2013

                                                                             Part 2

It's Okay...You're Safe Now...Here with Me

SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2013


Hello, I've been expecting you...don't be afraid...this is the way it had to happen. Come take a seat...breath normally...relax. There's no need to be frightened. We keep coming back to this place...you and I. It's love, between us, but not the way you understand it. Love as a connective force between all living things...
If it makes you uncomfortable think of it as energy...or information...Most men at least get the information side...so try that one if your having trouble. Love is light. Light is information....and well, I don't want to bore you...let's get on with the story.

        As the world media theater ramps up for another helping of end world destruction and paranoia, with a side of country schism and fear mongering, the world becomes a little too holographic for comfort... This has always been and will always be as long as your people allow themselves to be caged into ideas and architecture that centers around and surrounds paramount and unneeded violence. Now watch as I say unneeded, I don't mean that there are those who don't benefit from this vicarious ramification of violence, as the people know nothing of magick and in gladiator fights to the death to football injury to predator drone extermination blood rites somehow escape the vocabulary of the masses who choose to stay unconscious, which in turn does condone and force more violence. 

       As rapid advances in technology assure us of avatar programs and virtual surrogate lives, to seemingly be used as an escape from the horror of possible dim futures, and implantable chips beneath the skin that will regulate our ability to purchase food; other headlines highlight how predator drones will soon use cell phones to pin-point targets. We are at a point in human history where so many are aware of our spiritual and psycho-spiritual potential yet vote for the electronic binary and certainly un-feeling exactness of a future where another intelligence (see it as mechanical or alien, they may in fact be the same agenda ( if I must use a word so already cliche' in the world of secrets.)

        Even technology, as dominating as it seems is revolutionizing personal industry and small business potential with the advent of 3-D printing. Soon 3-D films and games will make popular licenses and mythologies fully interactive and their worlds, able to be traveled and altered by individuals. There are even games that effect TV shows already. With environmental factors coming to a head, space travel will seem more and more attractive of a literal escape.

        It doesn't matter that atheist were set-up to accept trans-humanism with open arms. That the kind of Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins pessimism and deductionist perspectives that have taken so many “scientist”and innocent thinkers over, is irrelevant if we can encourage natural potential. An obvious resentful break-up that has to be ignored for real progress to survive. All that matters now is the underground, the Magi, the myth-makers and the storytellers, the shamans, and urban mystics...Can we take back our culture? Can we keep creating over the program, over the illusion, to hold our culture in the balance, can we make a Dream Catcher Net, an escape hatch into dream time? If not, can we overwrite the imposter reality we are sharing now, can we turn our graffiti and tear gas smoldering protest into a whole blueprint for a future of our hopes and dreams? Is it wrong to think we are all capable of more?

          Do we still have dreams? Can we really expect to catch up when the machine produces crap culture at such a rate that our food, and thoughts, and desires are all wired into a kind of matrix that just seems to suck out our energy? Are we in fact some harvest, some long unaware species of cow or pig staring out the farm fence imagining a better tomorrow? Are we batteries feeding the smallest population of elite with our energy and humanity and even children, in these schools, in these hospitals, in these wars that we know don't have any civilians well-being in mind?

I don't know... But if we can admit and acknowledge and wholly diagnose our problem, we should be able to alleviate ourselves from a future plagued by its tentacles.

        Re-watching the X-Files, as always, picked me up after being rather disenchanted with so many aspects of these fields I choose to do work in. It reminded me that, being a person who works in conspiracies and the paranormal, like occultism before it, does not necessitate a belief in such things, it does not call for a kind of patriotic belief in it's popular theories. One does not have to defend what one cannot see, or be laughed at for what one cannot prove. Surely the choice to look into the darkness requires that you find an interface when dealing with your fellow man, the reminder that one cannot become lost in that darkness, for that may lead to their becoming, in so many ways, inhuman. However these ideas do have to be defended; unfortunately, from the constant media injected public reactions to these things, which usually culminates in massive fear or laughter and ridicule.

       What I'm getting at is you don't have to be a true believer, that's never what I was into this for, it's just what the field(s) have filled up with, it's who people who make all their money off of this stuff have to feed on. The idea that the UFO and Conspiracy fields are filled with people who need that to be their religion for personal and emotional reasons is very concerning to me and I hope we can make it past that crutch at some point. 

    Fundamentalist New Age- is a term that should have never been possible. One does not have to be a "Truther" or "True Believer" as much as one must be after a more exacting truth itself. This is far different from listening to one radio personalities' opinions, or one bizarre UFO documentary, this is a process of discernment far beyond and much more time consuming than Youtube.



     To anyone looking to join the efforts toward finding truth, there's no money here, but if you feel it is your true path I invite you in the search for truth beyond conspiracy, beyond an expected "Age" and into the very real, very already here -future.

Thanks for reading.

-Frank Zero

future of virtual reality, avatar technology timeline till 2045

3-D printing Ted Talk

Deconstruction Zone: Ragged Magi

Fat Man and Big Boy

Warning: very graphic. more geared toward truth and shock through the "art" of displaying these very real historical events than I am trying to shock for shock sake. Not for the faint of historical understanding.

Suggested watching: Metanoia films.com (all of it)Fat Man and Big Boy (film about the A bomb and Oppenheimer)

Deep Throat: [standing over an unconscious Mulder...] 

"I was first struck by the absence of time, having depended on it so completely as a measure of myself and my life. Moving backwards into the perpetual night - it consumes purpose, indeed, all passion and will. I come to you, old friend, with the dull clarity of the dead, not to beckon, you but to feel the fire and intensity that still lives in you... and the heavy weight of your burdens which I had once borne. There is truth you know, friend, if that's all you seek, but there's no justice or judgment, without which truth is a vast... dead... hollow. Go back. Do not look into the abyss or let the abyss look into you; awaken the sleep of reason and fight the monsters within and without."

       We have, through some measure of linear understanding, gained certain pieces of truth, as to how our society has “evolved” into what it is now. We teach our children that we learn history, more traumatic altogether, that they must, so we are not doomed to repeat histories’ mistakes. Citing examples like the Holocaust or slavery in any form, teachers will graze over Columbus’ landing, raping and pillaging, or Hitler’s invention of terms like “terrorism” and propaganda to force war on the world...rarely do we teach our children that Japan was ultimately ready to surrender and the Nazis were defeated entirely (in that campaign) when we made the decision to drop two atomic bombs. ( and effect the geographical and physiological aspects of Japan to this day) 

It is this fatal mistake, which allows for loopholes of understanding in our physical reality. The completely unforgivable ability to watch “reality” television while your country Predator-drone bombs five other countries, for reasons you honestly cannot explain, is a symptom which has spread like wildfire since we went into Iraq the first time. It’s not that history does not contain these lessons, it’s much more that we atrophy all attention to violence that isn’t prescribed to us through the major media outlets (owned and produced by military interest for some time now and having nothing to do with the mythological creatures known as “ journalist”) to the extent that we fail, horribly, to catch the patterns. Patterns which, said teachers are supposed to be highlighting so they will not be repeated. By the time we had finished adapting the Nazi and Madison Avenue weapons of mass propaganda, the Russians were wondering what our secret for mass obedience and compliance was.

I find myself obsessing more and more about the lessons contained in the Second World War alone. There were bad guys in the beginning of the war, they were the Nazis. There were victims, and warriors among the victims- the Jews, Jewish Resistance Movement, Polish people, gypsies, gay people, etc... There was the sleeping giant hero, America, woken by the attack at Pearl Harbor. There was a seeming moral alliance between the Russian and U.S. forces. This alliance would go sour at the end of the war among those politicians (U.S.) who insisted on furthering the military industrial entertainment complex, a psych problem the U.S. military industry and their new friends would never quite grow out of. Even with Gorbachev suggesting things during the Cold War that would have saved us lives and planetary resources, our boys at the top were much more interested in competing with the Russians instead...this horrible mental problem would poke it’s shady head up again in all kinds of murky history...Kennedy and leading Russian scientist wanted to form an alliance in the initial space program. This begins a long and dark trail of evidence pointing to a secret space program that wanted the public to know exactly what THEY WANTED the public to know, and that’s it. 

When the planes struck the World Trade Center many people argued “Why would the government do that to their own people?”...Strangely enough no one seemed to think “Why would the government do this to people...in general?” Can we trust the government? Do they feel like spying on us as a way of admitting they can’t trust each other, or themselves? Well with over ten thousand criminal operations taken on by the C.I.A. alone, (mostly related to counter-insurgency groups trained by the U.S. that can be used to fight supposed, or become themselves-”terrorist”) and the vast databank and secret agency, known now because of headlines related to Prism, the NSA...it’s up to you if you feel that trust comes with all the accessories of a police state run on technocratic elitist ideas, mechanical interaction, and being profiled by front “social networks”...(A systematic elaboration on voting and census binary classifications)

When speaking about the second World War so often we use the term Third Reich...seldom do we think of what that could mean...There were two other Reichs? The Nazis felt such kinship with those past reichs that they called their own the Third? What is the possibility of the creation of a Fourth Reich? How much history does one have scan to understand the Fourth Reich was alarmingly well planned and most of it’s really ambitious ideas have already been pushed on people in the form of eye-popping technology...Just like middle class Roman citizens gathered at the coliseum to watch peasants be torn to shreds, or citizens of Salem gathering to witness the burning of accused witches, we are happy to sit around the TV with all it’s explanations and visuals to desensitize us to very real wars taking place.Ultraculture: UK to censor esoteric websites!

Metanoia Films counter intelligence